Year 3 Term 4 2019

This term we are reading the book The Great Kapok Tree and we have been writing our very own acrostic poems all about the rainforest in our book! 

Aston (3SS)

Rain thumping on my head, roaring rhinos crushing my bones.
Apples bitten by monkeys on top of a colossal tree.
Incredible insects in time for dinner.
Noisy monkeys swing from tree to tree.
Fresh flowers growing up.
Oranges crashing on my head like pine cones.
Rocks falling down hills.
Elephants stamping on the sticky mud.
Slithering snakes on the floor.
Trampling on the mud to run.

Abisade (3SS)

Rapid winds shaking the trees.

Acrobatic monkey swinging on the trees.

In the jungle eager lions hunt.

Never ending jungle.

Forest monkeys chanting from miles and miles away.

On the trees gorillas roar.

Roaring thunder crashing on the crunching ground.

Eager tigers ready to pounce and eat it’s prey.

Slithering snakes hissing.

Trees as tall as towers clamping around me.

Sophie (3SS)

Rain banging as fresh juicy waterfall    
Acrobatic smells magnificent fragrant flowers sitting by the hard dirty tree
Incredible insects calling beautiful flowers ahead
Noisy lions roaring gently animals crowding making new noise  inside the forest
Forest fresh fragile mansion  
Oranges existing bouncing on trees  
Rough lions cuddling in the warm spiky bushes
Elephants stepping their enormous feet   
Snakes slithering sliding though the jungle
Terrific trees dancing in the wind

Kara (3SS)

Rain crashing down on the wonderful animals

A noisy cricket singing in the wonderful hard rain

I can see the tallest tree in the forest 

Never ending forest had the most wonderful pond

Far away the most beautiful animals asleep 

On the tallest monkeys shouting 

Rocks as hard as metal  

Elephants stopping around  
Slithering snakes trying to get food   
Trees as wet as a waterfall

Alice (3SS)

Rumbling rain hitting the mossy rocks.

Animals stomping on the forest floor. “STOMP”!

Interesting plants all around me!

Noisy birds cheeping in the trees. “CHEEP”!

Fresh oranges growing on trees. “YUM!”

Outstanding animals playing on the green grass.

Rustling bushes behind tall trees.

Echoes of bears roaring in their cave.

Snakes slithering through the forest.

Tall trees touring over me!

Olivia (3SS)

Rain dropping that smells so fresh like a rose.

Animals running to catch there pray for their hungry family.

In the bushes I see some monkeys on the trees to get some bananas for their food.

Noisy elephants stomping through the forest as I went closer I heard it better.

Fresh grass waving side to side.

Outrageous echo screeching.

Rotten rocks touching my skin as I walk passed.

Elephants splashing in puddles.

Slithering snakes looking for food.

Trees as tall as a tower.

Enoch (3SS)

Rain roaring like a tiger.
Amazing animals emerge from trees.
Incredible birds fly through the sky.
Noisy animals shake the ground.
Freezing water turns into ice.
Oranges fall from the trees.
Roaring lions yawn like lazy animals.
Scuttling monkeys are running around.
The waterfall splashes angrily onto the rocks.

Kyle (3SS)

Raging rhinos run through the forest.

Awesome animals leaping in the tall tree.

Incredible swooping tall tree.

Noisy howl of the hungry foxes.

Funny furry chimps laughing loudly.

On the ground sounds of rustling leafs.

Rain splashing on ground splash splosh.

Elephant making a lot noise

Splash on muddy puddles by foxes.

Thunder like car crash bang bang.

Alfie (3SS)

Raging rhinos ran through the forest.
Awesome animals leaping through the trees.
Incredible swooping tall trees.
Noisy howl of the hungry foxes.
Funny, chimps laughing loudly.
On the ground, sounds of rustling leaves.
Rain splashing down making deep puddles.
Enormous elephants thundering feet.
Slithering, slimy snakes.
Tall trees dancing in the wind.

Ricky (3SS)

Raging rhinos cutting through the trees like a monster.
An eagle flying as fast as a flash and hunting its prey.
Inside a cave was two snooping gorillas.
Noisy monkeys swinging from branch to branch.
Forest trees are as substantial as a giant.
On the floor was as wet as a waterfall.
Rotten wet rocks were as rusty as the trees.
Enormous elephants noisier than a gorilla.
Squeaking monkeys having a snooping party.
Tall trees as long as a giraffes neck.

Linas (3SS)

Rocks crumble in the deep dark gloomy colossal slimy forest
A colossal elephant making noises like a monkey.
In the rainforest there were tigers hunting animals and trapping them.
Naughty monkeys jumping on the high trees.
Funny monkeys jumping on smooth soft rocks
On the ground the colourful grass waving at the trees
Rain splashing down splash splash!
Enormous birds flying past the towering trees
Smooth slithering snakes scurrying on the floor
Tigers roaring loudly at the animals in the rainforest.

