Year 2 Term 6 2019

This term has had a shocking, magical start! I am sure you all would have heard, but if you haven't, poor Mr. Dawson was turned into a rabbit after drinking a magic potion! Luckily, Year 2 were quick thinking and came up with a magic spell to bring him back. Thank goodness!

Year 2 got to investigating straight away! They have created newspaper reports detailing what happened that morning. If you have any further information on this matter, let Year 2 know ASAP!

Telisha 2LB

Afrin 2LB

Annsh 2LB

Ashton 2LB

Cora 2LB

Fred 2LB

Jack 2LB

Jacob-James 2LB


Nikshetha 2LB

Radyah 2LB

Rebecca 2LB

Tegan 2LB

Anika 2MB

Courtney 2MB

Ella 2MB

Emily 2MB

Finley 2MB

Harrison 2MB

Kirstie 2MB
